With a love for drawing, but inhibited by preconceived ideas, I use my sewing machine to make work that isn’t easily corrected.
The inspiration for the practice began following a family tragedy when I had to rebuild a new life for my family and myself. Art became a way to make sense of a world that I had unintentionally become part of. Difficult emotions were explored and control became important, but through my art, I soon discovered that the greatest strength and beauty could come from the things that went wrong.
With meticulous attention to detail, thread can be obsessively stitched over and over; colours are changed and tensions are altered to create the perfect image. Dissolvable fabric forms the base of the work but during the final stage, this is removed. And it is here that the intense effort used to control the making can become lost; nothing is guaranteed as the work takes on its own direction, and it is this that excites and encourages me to make my art.