Sorry for the delay in posting

It is time to start posting again and I do apologise for the delay. March and April were very slow due to a persistent chest infection – as the consultant said “a nuisance disease” which, as a friend suggested, is vaguely reassuring but irritating when there is work waiting to be made. Then there is the determination to try and catch up which means that I am unable to pull myself away from my machine to edit photos of the work and find interesting things to blog about.

So here is the work in progress. What you can’t see is the mound of threads, written notes about colour choices and bobbin cases stacked one on top of the other.

couple on tube
Work in progress, ‘Couple on Tube’, free machine embroidery

During the past few months I have started to make a list of possible tips that I could share on my blog: how to make a repair or make a change to a part of a drawing that isn’t correct, how to do small details like lettering, what materials, threads and needles to use, how to choose the correct colours and the effects of altering the tension.

couple on tube
The drawing so far…